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Writer's pictureDymond Bush

ACRL-NEC/NELIG Annual Conference Lightning Talk Resource List

Following up on my previous post on the value of professional development, I’m thrilled to share that I’m presenting at my first conference! I’m sharing a lightning talk at the Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter and New England Library Instruction Group Annual Conference. My talk is titled Being The Newbie: How to Support the Successful Integration of a New Librarian and I’ll be discussing how I transitioned to my new role as a Research and Instruction Librarian at Bryant University. Scroll down for the list of resources that will be shared during the talk.

Being The Newbie: How to Support the Successful Integration of a New Librarian

ACRL-NEC/NELIG Lightning Talk June 2022

Resource List

Session Description:

Transitioning to a new career is difficult but doing so amid a global pandemic presents a unique set of challenges. This session will provide a brief overview of the experience of being new to this field from recruitment to retention. In this session, the presenter will discuss how they navigated health and safety concerns, job searching, imposter syndrome and more. The presenter will discuss how they built a support network and leveraged resources to successfully begin a new position in an academic library. This session will share tools for new professionals, seasoned professionals, and managers. Attendees will develop strategies for how they can support and encourage new librarians. Additionally, this session will touch upon recruitment and retention of employees of color. This session aims to better equip attendees to support emerging library professionals They will leave with a toolkit of best practices on how to integrate a new librarian into a new environment.

Personal website:

Professional Organizations

Cornucopia of Rhode Island Blog:

Job Advertising Outlets

· Cornucopia of Rhode Island: email

· Association of Research Libraries:

· Rhode Island Library Jobline:

· I Need A Library Job (INALJ):

· Special Libraries Association:

· Boston Library Consortium:

· Massachusetts Libraries Board of Library Commissioners Find jobs:

· ALA JobList:

Social Media

Library Twitter












Carlos, A. R., & Muralles, D. C. (2022). Onboarding in the age of COVID-19. IFLA Journal, 48(1), 33–40.

Ettarh, F. (2018, January 10). Vocational awe and librarianship: The lies we tell ourselves. In The Library With A Lead Pipe.

Graybill, J. O., et. al. (2013). Employee onboarding: Identification of best practices in ACRL libraries. Library Management, 34(3), 200-218. doi:

Keisling, B., & Laning, M. (2016). We are happy to be here: The onboarding experience in academic libraries. Journal of Library Administration, 56(4), 381–394.

Kenefick, C., & DeVito, J. A. (2015). From treading water to smooth sailing: Mentoring for new academic librarians. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 22(1), 90–96.

Szmodis, P. (2022, April 12). Advice for starting a new job during grad school. Hack Library School,


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