Dymond BushNov 20, 2022Conference SeasonTaking advantage of the opportunities that conference attendance brings.
Dymond BushMay 31, 2022ACRL-NEC/NELIG Annual Conference Lightning Talk Resource ListResource list for ACRL-NEC/NELIG lightning talk presentation: Being The Newbie: How to Support the Successful Integration of a New Librarian
Dymond BushMay 11, 2021One year later - “What’s for you, is for you.”I’m grateful for all of the experiences of the past year because I know that they’re guiding me on the path that I’m supposed to be on.
Dymond BushJan 11, 2021The Value of Professional DevelopmentAs a career changer, I’ve been intent on gaining as much knowledge as possible about librarianship and have sought opportunities to do so.
Dymond BushDec 24, 2020Birthday BlessingsIt’s my birthday! It's been a while since I last wrote because it was a crazy semester, but I made it and I’m back!
Dymond BushJul 19, 2020Gardening: An Act of PreservationGardening has allowed me to preserve the memory of my ancestors and has also provided me with an opportunity for self-preservation.
Dymond BushMay 21, 2020Speak Their Names: Elisha Leander AnthonyMay we all be as brave as Pvt. Elisha Leander Anthony. I’m honored to have him among my ancestors. I will carry his memory with me.